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Answer The Call
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Michigan Pheasants Forever State Council 7012

Welcome To Michigan Pheasants Forever

Welcome To Michigan Pheasants Forever

Welcome to our website for Michigan Pheasants Forever, designed to keep our chapter members updated with the current happenings, as well provide an opportunity to those individuals who are interested in joining or learning more about Pheasants Forever.


Answer the Call

Answer the Call

Answer the Call

Many have been impacted by the devastating loss of wildlife habitat and the decrease in numbers of hunters who fund conservation projects with their license fees. Pheasants Forever is dedicated to take significant steps to combat the devastating loss of wildlife habitat, particularly grassland wildlife, such as pheasants and quail. The Call of the Uplands campaign boasts the goal of improving 9 million acres of habitat, engaging 1.5 million people in educational events, and advocating for laws, policies and budgets that support our mission.  That’s a $500,000,000 commitment!

Ways that you can answer the Call of the Uplands:

  • Become a $1000 Pheasants Forever Life Member
  • Become a dual Life Member in Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever ($1000 for second Life Membership)
  • Become a Patron Member at $10,000.
  • Become a Gold Patron Member at $25,000.
  • Contribute any amount to our Michigan Adopt-A-Game Area Program that accelerates grassland habitat improvements on 20 state wildlife areas in southern Michigan (donations of $500 or more get an engraved metal plate with their individual or business name on a property kiosk).
  • Contribute any amount to our Legislative Action Fund that has brought millions of dollars to Michigan for conservation.
  • Contribute any amount to our No Child Left Indoors initiative that connects youth to nature and outdoor recreation.
  • Contribute any amount to our nationwide Build A Wildlife Area Program to permanently provide habitat through acquisition of new public lands.
  • Honor the passing of a dear family member or friend with a gift in their honor to Pheasants Forever

If you wish to make a contribution, visit pheasantsforever.org, or email mweaver@pheasantsforever.org.

View our photo gallery for the latest photos

View our photo gallery for the latest photos

Photo Gallery

Hit the NEWS button below to access archived Michigan Pheasants Forever newsletters (SUBSCRIBE to our mailing list) and videos from National on Governmental Affairs OR Education & Outreach.


Join Michigan Pheasants Forever and Participate today!

Join Michigan Pheasants Forever and Participate today!


The MI Adopt-A-Game Area Program has raised over $1.2 million for grassland habitat projects on MI public lands since 2017!  Funds were provided by a diverse group of sponsors across the state, and have worked to enhance or restore over 2,000 acres of public grassland.

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Pheasant Habitat in Michigan

Pheasant Habitat in Michigan


Michigan Pheasants Forever's members are truly passionate about creating, preserving and restoring habitat that benefits pheasants, quail and other upland wildlife. This unique model empowers local chapters with the responsibility to determine how 100 percent of their locally-raised conservation funds will be spent.

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2025 Photos & Text Copyright - © Michigan Pheasants Forever State Council 7012
3plains.com - Pheasants Forever Web Design

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